VIDEO | Orion Governance CEO: Impact Analysis Is Critical to Cloud Migration

VIDEO | Orion Governance CEO: Impact Analysis Is Critical to Cloud Migration
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(US and Canada) Ramesh Shurma, Orion Governance CEO, speaks with Derek Strauss, Gavroshe Chairman, in this video interview about modernization, its various steps, and related challenges.

Shurma points out that the idea of modernization was originally related to upgrading systems from one vendor to another based on capability. He mentions four driving forces behind modernization:

  1. Migrating systems to the cloud has accelerated after COVID due to a lack of on-premise resources to maintain systems, and has enabled remote work without the risk of exposure.

  2. Older technologies are being obsoleted and are hard to maintain.

  3. Cost per byte of information stored is lower than the traditional ways.

  4. Cloud-based technologies make it easy to allocate additional resources while making both vertical and horizontal scalability affordable.

Shurma further describes modernization as a legacy to re-platforming the journey into the cloud, making the best use of new technology innovations with cost optimization and ease of administration.

When discussing the best way for organizations to perform a modernization exercise, Shurma  mentions that a majority of enterprises do not have standalone systems; they work with a mesh of interactions between different assets. He stresses that impact analysis becomes critical to cloud migration in such scenarios.

Shurma recommends getting a true perspective on reliability and quality, and then going after the weakest links in the chain. He indicates that another risk is carrying all the baggage of the legacy systems into the cloud, which can end up being expensive for the enterprise.

Speaking on the major pitfalls to watch out for, Shurma says that the average large enterprise has 20-30 different technologies from various vendors that are written in different languages. These differences make it difficult to find specialists who understand the nuances, he adds. The pitfall here is trying to accelerate modernization without proper diligence, which results in delayed failure that causes reputational damage. 

CDO Magazine thanks Ramesh Shurma for contributing his thought leadership to our global community.

See more from Ramesh Shurma

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