Innovative Process Generates Business Opportunities

Innovative Process Generates Business Opportunities
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Brendan Caine, founder and owner of Advanced Xposure, has developed an innovative approach utilizing technology to generate business opportunities.

"We help businesses spark meaningful relationships with their prospective clients through a strategic process consisting of positive exposure to the proper audience," he says.

After developing his unique process, Caine launched Advanced Xposure in January with a strong customer base and is in the process of expanding and hiring more employees.

Advanced Xposure offers an innovative combination of marketing and brokering services. "Through personal marketing and relationship building, we tee up warm, qualified opportunities for our customers and their prospective clients that lead to hitting a mutually beneficial home run," Caine says. "It’s a unique service in high demand that we passionately enjoy delivering. The sky is the limit where opportunity is concerned."

Exposure and relationship building are key to creating the positive image companies need for maximizing growth. After a client provides an overview of the geographic area and audience they are targeting, Caine and his team create influence through publishing personalized marketing content and expanding the network with the right decisionmakers in a rapid 30- to 45-day exposure period.

"An integral part of the process is ensuring that the right audience is being influenced by the content," he says. "So the professionalism and value of my customer is reflecting on the right audience. This sets up the opportunity to generate sales with warm conversations with potential customers."

Research shows that technology can be an effective tool. "Sales reps are 51 percent more likely to hit sales quotas if they utilize different forms of social media," Caine says. His company offers a low-risk, cost-effective process for generating the sales opportunities companies want without taking a higher risk on additional personnel.

Advanced Xposure is not your typical marketing firm. Most play the numbers game by sending content to thousands of people. Caine believes if a company isn’t using a personalized marketing approach, their clients aren’t going to engage with them on a meaningful level, which is key to establishing trusted relationships.

Caine describes the process as a triangle of trust. Advanced Xposure takes a personal approach to connecting with their client’s prospective customers and developing that trust. When the time is right, the triangle of trust is formed. 

"The most important part of the process is understanding how the potential customers think," Caine says. "You need to understand how to create influence and bring momentum to those warm relationships."

According to Caine, other people are using a variation of his process with less coordination and focus. This is less effective than the Advanced Xposure methodology that is highly focused and coordinated for maximum results.

"We raise the bar with the quantity and quality of opportunities," he says. "When you add those two together, you see results."

Traditional marketing techniques still work for some companies because they have established relationships with a base of customers. But these approaches don’t work efficiently for companies looking to develop new relationships. "In today’s technology-driven marketplace, maybe your next call should be to Advanced Xposure. This will allow your sales force to allocate more time to closing business from warm calls."

Caine has differentiated Advanced Xposure with his innovative process and is poised to use that process for his clients.

Advanced Xposure is located at 11085 Montgomery Road, Suite 100, Cincinnati, OH 45249. For more information, call 513.438.6800 or visit

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