Four Questions with Tim Mielke of SuppleMENTAL

Submitted by Ethan Smith
Four Questions with Tim Mielke of SuppleMENTAL
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I sat down for a chat with Tim Mielke, one of the co-founders of the app helping educate consumers on the ingredients and effects of supplements, SuppleMENTAL, to learn a little more about what keeps the innovative entrepreneur motivated.

Why did you decide to be an entrepreneur?

“After working at a company where people kept grabbing different supplements and asking ‘what is this?’ I wanted to clear up a very murky industry and help people become a little more knowledgeable on what they’re putting in their bodies. I wrote a book in 2009 that helped educate people on supplements, their ingredients, and what each ingredient actually does. My marketing budget wasn’t huge, so it didn’t get in the hands of everyone I had hoped, but it was well received, so I tried again with a follow-up book in 2014. It was the same story with this book – I was on to something, but needed to figure out how to broaden the reach. Now that nearly everyone has a smartphone, I realized how quick and easy it could be for anyone to just scan the label and see exactly what’s in their supplements.”

What keeps you going if you lose motivation?

“I want to be able to provide a third-party, unbiased analysis of what is actually in these products. Most people look to their friends for help but usually receive an anecdotal review. This isn't very reliable. The supplement industry can be so shady, and it’s hard to really know what you’re getting, so I hope I am able to help people out and provide a little clarity. It really helps to have friends and family all anxiously awaiting the app to release because they know how much hard work has gone into it so far.”

What’s next?

“We have to focus on staying on top of the industry because so many new products come out each week. Luckily we have a good starting point to go off of so that gives us a big advantage as we continue to add new products. I have plenty of upgrades I'd like to incorporate, but for now the main thing is providing our users with up-to-date and accurate information. Backing up our app with scientific data makes us more credible, and also gets consumers the most reliable information, so they know they’re not wasting money, and they’re being safe with what they put in their bodies.”

Any advice for aspiring entrepreneurs?

“Be prepared to work very hard for a long time. I started this over two years ago and haven’t made one cent on it yet. You have to really buckle down and focus on your project, or else it won’t happen. Entrepreneurship takes over, and you have to put in the time to make your ideas come to life. It’s about following your passion, learning how to make sacrifices, and getting past the hiccups along the way. It’s helps having a great team and supportive friends, but you have to be willing to work hard.”

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