VIDEO | Orion Governance CEO: Compliance Is All About Transparency

VIDEO | Orion Governance CEO: Compliance Is All About Transparency
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(US and Canada) Ramesh Shurma, Orion Governance CEO, speaks with Derek Strauss, Gavroshe Chairman, in this video interview about the components of a successful compliance program and the approach to solving compliance issues while innovating at the same time.

Shurma states that a good compliance program begins with a foundation of proper governance, permeates the organization, and is about transparency in people, processes, and products. He urges organizations to be proactive and stresses that compliance is not a one-time check because things constantly change within the enterprise.

Sharing his approach to balancing compliance issues and innovations, he says that organizations are still following the reactive mode of operation in an era of increased regulations and punitive measures. Shurma suggests that disruption and innovation are the only way to change this. He says the key is to take the manual workload off customers and build a proactive mechanism alerting them to potentially troubled areas so they don't have to react.

The goal is to let the system report potential pitfalls proactively, allowing the IT organization to focus on innovation.

In conclusion, Shurma shares a few crucial takeaways:

  1. Be more demanding of vendors.
  2. Only believe some of what that a vendor sells.
  3. Only buy something that is going to solve the problem.

CDO Magazine thanks Ramesh Shurma for sharing his data and analytic insights with our global community.

See more from Ramesh Shurma

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