VIDEO | STOP THE TRAFFIK Head of Data and Technology: We’re Here to Disrupt Human Trafficking

VIDEO | STOP THE TRAFFIK Head of Data and Technology: We’re Here to Disrupt Human Trafficking
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(Europe) Tina Salvage, Head of Data and Technology at STOP THE TRAFFIK, speaks with Caroline Carruthers, Chief Executive of Carruthers and Jackson, in a video interview about the organization’s role, and the implementation and importance of data governance.

According to Salvage, STOP THE TRAFFIK aims to disrupt human trafficking by addressing demand, recruitment, and funding. Intelligence is gathered using the Traffic Analysis Hub tool, which collects data from multiple sources, including open source, police departments, and other NGOs.

Salvage says the biggest problem with implementing governance in a scenario like this is the unstructured data that comes in various forms. She explains that it is best for a nonprofit charity to prove the cost-saving benefits of data governance. For example, when the organization prepares the data for others — such as intelligence agencies or financial institutions interested in preventing money laundering — there is a cost-benefit.

When balancing the risks and the value of data and data governance, Salvage says it is necessary to understand the company's risk appetite and link it to the expected rewards. She adds that data governance must be a part of the company’s risk methodology, including cybersecurity.

Continuing, Salvage talks about driving cultural change, understanding the benefit of data governance, and applying the methodologies and frameworks. She says It requires top-down buy-in, taking everyone on the journey and explaining how it will benefit them to include data governance in their daily duties.

In conclusion, Salvage says that data governance should be hidden, like something that should happen in the background as part of everyday work.

CDO Magazine appreciates Tina Salvage for sharing her insights and data success stories with our global community.

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