VIDEO | TeamCentral Founder: Our Goal Is To Become an Extension of an Organization

VIDEO | TeamCentral Founder: Our Goal Is To Become an Extension of an Organization
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(US and Canada) Marc Johnson, TeamCentral Founder, speaks with Robert Lutton, Sandhill Consultants Vice President, Sandhill Consultants, in this video interview about the organization’s products and the key business drivers.

Johnson explains that the “central” in his organization’s name comes from the central nervous system, which drives the body. He states that business is driven by data and the connectivity between the systems that run the business processes. Any breakage along that chain makes it difficult for organizations to grow and scale their business.

He highlights TeamCentral’s iPasSS as a solution that provides data connectivity across systems and data sources and compares it to a data management automation solution.

Regarding the need for such a product, Johnson says that even the smallest organizations run their businesses on more than 20 different systems and have distributed data architectures. These systems need to be joined, he adds.

According to Johnson, the other main business driver is the creation of high volumes of data in the enterprise space without enough technologists to support the growth. iPaSS gives nontechnical staff the same ability as highly technical staff to solve problems. He also notes other drivers, such as improved data accessibility, the move to the cloud, and data standardization.

When asked about TeamCentral’s “idea” customer size for a particular market segment, Johnson explains they focus on mid-market organizations with complex problems such as growing their business, managing data, and retaining IT talent.

He states that TeamCentral’s goal is to become an extension of an organization while doing things that larger, more established products can do, but with more simplicity.

CDO Magazine appreciates Marc Johnson for sharing his insights and data success stories with our global community.

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