VIDEO | Advanced Auto Parts Enterprise AI VP: Store Visits Help Me Understand How to Handle Data

VIDEO | Advanced Auto Parts Enterprise AI VP: Store Visits Help Me Understand How to Handle Data
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(US and Canada) Yvonne Li, VP of Enterprise Artificial Intelligence, Data Engineering and Decision Science at Advanced Auto Parts, speaks with Michael C. Fillios, Founder and CEO of IT Ally and CDO Magazine Editorial Board Member, in a video interview about the importance of collaboration in business, the impact of diversity in teams, understanding customers, and how women can excel in the data and AI space.

At the onset, Li discusses the importance of communicating with stakeholders and executives and acknowledging that Data and AI projects take time. She recommends taking the necessary time to lay down a proper foundation and identifying quick wins that will demonstrate business progress.

Moving forward, Li emphasizes the importance of collaboration to transform a company like Advanced Auto. She states that CDOs and CDAOs are change makers and urges them to be embedded in the business while working cross-functionally with the IT leaders. The goal is to create a modernized platform with the necessary infrastructure.

Delving further, Li shares that she goes on store visits and talks to the field team and customers to earn more data insights and resonate better with the business. She adds that doing this helps her understand how to handle data and note the requirements for building a model to drive impact.

In addition to communication, it is critical to plan out quick wins in parallel to keep people motivated and benefit from the business impact of the transformation. Li strongly recommends building a diverse team from varied backgrounds and skills in data science and AI.

Furthermore, she says that having a behavioral science background helps her understand customer behavior in stores. She uses Advanced Auto as an example, where customers go directly to the shelves, get what they want, pay for it, and leave. Therefore, to measure customer behavior, the company looks at the data it gets from customers who either hit the counter or purchase an item, as these are the two behaviors it observes.

When asked about the views on women in data, Li states that having diverse perspectives within teams or at the leadership level adds innovation and drives impact. She notes that to be successful in data, one must have innovation at heart, be passionate about data, and not be intimidated by the 'Imposter Syndrome.'

Li maintains that stepping outside the comfort zone will lead to growth and opportunity. With this advice, she encourages women in data and AI to navigate their careers confidently.

CDO magazine appreciates Yvonne Li for sharing her insights and success stories with our global community.

See more from Yvonne Li 

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