VIDEO | USPS OIG CDO: We Want To Be on Top of Our Data Operations

VIDEO | USPS OIG CDO: We Want To Be on Top of Our Data Operations
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(US and Canada) Ben Joseph, Chief Data Officer at USPS OIG, speaks with John Filipek, Federal Inside Sales Director at SHI, in a video interview about the importance of data pipelines, inspecting data, and running efficient data operations.

Joseph says leveraging the pipeline to drive efficient operations and automation is the most important piece, followed by ensuring the stakeholders can easily consume the data. For consumers such as auditors, the job is to ensure that the entire lineage is clearly shown using governance tools. He explains that the pipeline can also have custom automation tools built within to provide more fidelity in how the data has been prepared and served.

According to Joseph, operational checks and balances are one aspect, and simple business rules are another. These checks and balances improve end-user efficiency and ensure the data is reliable. Inconsistency in these cases can lead to unreliable or unusable data.

When asked how often checks and balances are reviewed, Joseph replies that it depends on the data pipelines’ schedules. A daily feed must be inspected daily, and the alerts must be validated from an operational and a business perspective. He adds that the aim is to be on top of the data operations.

Joseph says that delivery has to be separated from the data operation side, and they should function independently. He emphasizes that the entire focus should be on data flow, metrics, and efficiency.

CDO Magazine appreciates Ben Joseph for sharing his insights and data success stories with our global community.

See more from Ben Joseph

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