How Can Business Leaders Address the Data Scientist Gap in 2022?

How Can Business Leaders Address the Data Scientist Gap in 2022?
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Has your business experienced a need for data scientists recently? The data science field is still a relatively new one, but demand has skyrocketed so quickly that it sometimes outpaces what businesses are equipped to handle. Thus, many companies are starting to get creative in order to bridge the gap and keep up with the competition.

Here are a few ways to do so if your company is looking to do the same:.

Consider Professionals Who Want a Career Change

The field of data science is getting more attention than ever, and is still considered to be among the top jobs in the U.S. Because of this, even individuals who have formal academic training in other fields are considering making the leap into data science. It’s also a field that’s becoming increasingly important to businesses due to the continual emergence of cloud-based needs — managing data, backing up information, and now supporting remote employees. For all of these reasons, data science roles are attractive options for anyone who currently works in similar fields. Take advantage and ask employees in other fields if they’re open to making the transition to boost your data science operation.

Reskill Your Workforce as Data Scientists

In a similar vein to the point above, reskilling or upskilling your current workforce is a great way to give your employees the opportunity to grow professionally. Furthermore, studies show that as an added bonus, these opportunities also increase employee satisfaction. It’s also more cost-effective for the company (as opposed to trying to hire the right talent externally).

One option for reskilling is training employees with new software aimed at capitalizing on data. Another great opportunity for both employee and employer is the idea of going back to school or even taking individual courses. An existing employee engaging in computer science studies or even obtaining a degree in the field can effectively be turned into an in-house data scientist.

Create Mentorship Systems for Aspiring Tech Workers

Mentorship programs are excellent ways to help aspiring tech workers get their feet in the door while learning the ins and outs of data science from in-house employees. There are quite a few benefits you can draw from this kind of initiative: Mentees appreciate the opportunities; they learn how your specific company wants to approach this kind of work; and mentorships by nature tend to attract candidates with passion for an interest in the field at hand. Participating mentors also get the experience of teaching or training others, which can help to build up strong company culture. In short, it's a win-win for everyone involved.

Increase Data Scientist Retention Through Work Benefits

As we cautiously ease into 2022, we continue to be plagued by issues from the last two years, such as the “Great Resignation." Companies that offer better workplace benefits are generally faring better than those that don’t, so this idea is worth looking into with regard to data scientists as well. Given that they're in such high demand, many in this field will not hesitate to seek greener pastures if they're not satisfied with working conditions.

With benefits in place, your business will be more likely to attract and retain the right talent, in this or any other field. This in turn will help you to build up a reliable data science branch of your business.

Data science is here to stay, and companies need to do their best in order to bridge the existing gap. Hiring and retaining the right talent is key, and we hope this piece guides you in the right direction with how exactly to pull it off.

JBankes is a freelance writer and programmer based in Minneapolis. Armed with a degree in computer science and a passion for communication, she is designing a series of online courses concerning various aspects of technology in modern culture and business.

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