Be Careful of the Dream Killers

Be Careful of the Dream Killers
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Mary Miller loves to Dream. She speaks to Kristie Sheanshang of Flair ( about encouraging others to go after their own dreams of what they are made to do. She is the CEO of JANCOA Janitorial Services, author of Changing Directions: Ten Choices That Impact Your Dreams and the creator of the Dream Manager program, made popular by Matthew Kelly's bestselling book of the same title. Mary is also an Associate Coach with Strategic Coach working with entrepreneurs at quarterly workshops in Chicago, and on a number of philanthropic boards.

She says her priorities change, except that she keeps God first, Family and then Business. Life gets out of control when we put business ahead of faith and family.

Her current Dreams are to have a best-selling book, travel the world teaching others to go after their own Dreams and doing what they are made to do in their life.

Check out Mary Miller's interview on Flair Confidence Podcast.

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