Go Make Disciples at Work

Go Make Disciples at Work
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5:30 a.m. arrives as the "Early Riser" ringtone begins to play. Groundhog Day was here again (or at least it felt like it). For 22 years, I’ve been blessed to work for a Fortune 500 company, having been mentored by some of the brightest men and women in the industry. My life had been influenced by success, yet something was still missing. "There must be more to work than earning a living, buying a house and passing on wealth to my kids," I thought.

Have you ever contemplated what legacy you intend to leave behind when your journey on Earth is over? Will that legacy quickly fade away or leave a lasting impact? As a Christian with several close friends in the world mission fields, I often questioned my focus on building the American Dream over serving those in need around the world. That’s when God spoke clearly to my heart saying, "Missionaries are needed in the workplace too!"

Christ’s final words on Earth issued a command to, "Go and Make Disciples." In essence, God is calling each of us to live more intentionally with our faith, loving others wherever we’re planted. He’s given you a purpose with a promise of eternal impact.

"GO Make Disciples at Work," available on Amazon.com, was written to be a simple guide for one-on-one or small group discussions. Chapters are not written to prescribe a discussion, but to serve as a conversation starter with a solid focus on investigating and applying what the Bible says on each topic. The book has three main sections: Foundations, Growth Principles and Practical Application.

In Foundations, the journey is intended to be one of setting the cornerstone in the heart of the disciple, catalyzing a desire for the disciple to learn how to grow in their relationship with Christ. In Growth Principles, we dive deep into five key ways to true spiritual growth through God’s word, fellowship, prayer, worship and witnessing. Finally, Practical Applications aims to equip the disciple with tools to become disciple-makers themselves. Topics like understanding spiritual warfare, striking a work/family/faith balance and witnessing in the workplace are used to develop confidence in the disciple.

I’m aiming for things that will last. If you really think about it, God’s word and the souls of men will last for eternity. Find your role in that journey and GO.

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