The Perfect Private Proposal Sarah Carter & Steve Baum

The Perfect Private Proposal  Sarah Carter & Steve Baum
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On her first date with Steve Baum, Sarah Carter learned that she had graduated with two of Steve’s cousins.

"Such a small world," says Sarah. "Little did I know I’d become family with them someday!"

Though Sarah, a massage therapist, and Steve, a pharmacist, designed her engagement ring together, she made it clear that she wanted the proposal to be a surprise.

"It was taking forever for the ring to come in, but I figured it would be done by Christmas, so I was anticipating a holiday proposal," says Sarah. So were her parents. They even sprung for a bottle of nice champagne, which they gave to Sarah in anticipation of the upcoming celebration.

"I thought for sure by New Year’s, but nothing!" Sarah recalls, with a chuckle. Then on February 23, the couple was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"I was engrossed in "Property Brothers" and hadn’t even noticed that Steve had left the room," says Sarah. "Next thing I know, he was down on one knee with the ring box open. I was completely shocked!"

She estimates that a good 30 seconds passed before she responded with a resounding, "Yes!"

"It was really nice having a private evening at home following the proposal," says Sarah, noting that they finally opened that bottle of bubbly.

As planning for the big day got underway, they decided to have the nuptials at St. Gertrude Church with a reception to follow at Maketewah Country Club in Cincinnati. Choosing the date turned out to be kismet when Sarah mentioned to her future mother-in-law that the church had given her two possible dates in May.

"When I mentioned May 9, Steve’s mom looked at me with tears in her eyes and told me that was her anniversary," says Sarah. Steve’s dad passed away four years ago from a heart attack, but May 9, 2020 would have been the couple’s 40-year wedding anniversary.

"I knew right then that was our date," says Sarah. "It was meant to be."

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