Finding a Ring She'll Love

Finding a Ring She'll Love
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With so many choices, buying an engagement ring or wedding band can seem challenging. Eddie Lane, owner of Eddie Lane’s Diamond Showroom, says the secret to overcoming this challenge is simple – make sure you choose a good jeweler.

Once you’ve found a jeweler, Lane says the second most important thing to keep in mind is your budget. "Don’t over-do your budget," says Lane. "The ideal situation is (to) bring your girlfriend in and let her pick out what she wants. After the celebration you need to say very honestly, I want you to have the ring you want."

Although platinum continues to be the most popular among brides, Lane recommends considering 18K white gold as an alternative. "An 18K white gold properly alloyed ring is every bit as good or better than platinum. Platinum tends to nick, chip and bend easily."

A white diamond is the best choice when selecting either a platinum or white gold ring.

"If you’re going to select white gold or platinum you need to select a white diamond," says Lane. "The quality and color starts at D (very white) and goes to yellow. The most important thing to consider when buying a diamond is the cut of the stone and the angle of the facets. What I mean by that is you get reflected and refracted light, which gives the diamond scintillation. You don’t want to buy a diamond you can see the imperfections of with the naked eye. It doesn’t have to be complicated because of the old four C’s – carat weight, cut, clarity (degree of imperfection in a stone) and color. By cutting the stone properly you can enhance a diamond."

At the end of the day, it is important to be romantic when proposing – be memorable. But be practical when choosing a ring.

Eddie Lane’s Diamond Showroom is located at 9301 Montgomery Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242. You can reach them at 513.793.4111 or visit their website at

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