Thirty Years of Innovative Design and Culture

Thirty Years of  Innovative Design and Culture
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Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams isn’t your average furniture store. They’re a company working to provide unique and beautiful products that are stylish, comfortable and environmentally friendly. Not only have they been successful in providing such products, but they have been doing so for 30 years.

“Bob and I met about 32 years ago,” says Mitchell Gold, Co-Founder of Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams. “Bob was the art director for 17 Magazine, and I was smart enough to know that he was a brilliant designer. We always wanted to work together. When we had an opportunity, we said that we would start this business together – we had about $60,000 between the two of us. We weren’t very strategic at the time, but it was visionary.”

Gold’s prior experience in the furniture business gave them a starting point, and the duo’s innovative design and culture took off from there.

“I was working for a large furniture manufacturer in charge of their national gallery program and in charge of their national accounts. Prior to that, I had worked at Bloomingdale’s in a variety of positions, one of which was as a furniture buyer. So, I was pretty familiar with the furniture business, and I knew a lot of people in the industry,” says Gold.

“Bob brought in beautiful fabrics like florals and rich, jewel-tone velvets and stripes. Other people were making these types of dining chairs, but they were all in beige type of fabrics. So, this was a big hit right away, which gave us the ability to fuel our business going forward and expand into other categories.”

While Bob Williams, Co-Founder, offered incredible designs to set the brand apart, the synergy between Gold and Williams gave their business a firm foundation.

“Partnerships have to be exactly that – a partnership. Bob and I work every day at making each other successful and supporting each other,” says Gold.

This partnership established the culture of the company that played such a large part in propelling them to 30 years of success.

“Bob and I have had and continue to have an incredible synergy about style sense. But we also had a real vision for the kind of company we wanted to run – the way we wanted to treat our employees, the way we wanted to treat our customers,” says Gold.

Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams may be celebrating a stunning three decades of success in 2019, but that success has never caused them to waver from the values they’ve instilled in the company.

“It’s hard to believe it’s been 30 years. I look back and think about when we first started, and compare it to now – now, we could furnish almost your entire home with the products that we offer. We had a vision of what this could turn into, but we never had a full business plan of what the business could be like in 30 years. It grew organically,” says Williams.

“This is an enormous accomplishment,” says Gold. “The cornerstone of our business is service. We have, from day one, taken exceptional care of our customers. It’s always been centered around giving good, honest service. The interesting thing I’ve learned over the years with Bob as my partner is that part of my job every day is to make sure that he is happy and successful. And beyond that, it’s my job and his job to make the people that work for us successful by making sure they’re trained and making sure they’re supported. If our vice president and our managers and our factory workers are successful, then we’re successful.”

Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams is located at 5901 E. Galbraith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45236. For more information, call 513.826.0070 or visit

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