HashEx Launches New AnalytEx Project Powered by US$1 Million Seed Round

HashEx Launches New AnalytEx Project Powered by US$1 Million Seed Round
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(US and Canada) Smart contract audit firm HashEx has recently completed a seed investment round, funneling the funds into developing a new product called AnalytEx. It is an advanced analytics ecosystem that will focus on providing clients with data and insights on various crypto-related passive-income opportunities.

HashEx is widely known in the crypto market for its expertise and solid reputation when it comes to providing high-level security services for DeFi projects. In 2021 alone, the company has conducted security audits for over 300 projects. Now HashEx seeks to make use of its expansive knowledge on blockchain data by putting together an analytical product designed with a focus on ROI and safety of investment.

With AnalytEx, users will be able to make data-driven decisions, supported by fresh information, without the need for a deeper understanding of blockchain technology. In doing so, AnalytEx will become a convenient and safe tool for those who want to increase their investment capital in a constantly changing market.

"New DeFi projects are emerging too fast for potential investors to track without missing out on some good opportunities. The demand for a new full-service product that would assist them with this task has become too big to ignore. This is why our team has come to the decision to develop AnalytEx. We estimate the potential demand for this service to reach $274 billion in 2022, and by 2025 we believe that it will grow to be over US$1 trillion," - stated Dmitry Mishunin, CEO and Founder at HashEx.

"We are now facing the next phase of DeFi evolution, and this new era requires innovative approaches to problem-solving and decision-making. We aim to create something more than just another data tracker - AnalytEx will become a powerful product that shall drive data democratization and transform the way people interact with DeFi," - Olga Voykina, CPO and Co-founder of AnalytEx.

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