In a world where there is so much turmoil in so many forms, one can find goodness tucked within that turmoil. There is so much goodness surrounding us period – and that is such a source of inspiration. Often that goodness comes from a single person or a small group – who simply respond to a need.
We have a new minister in my church who is from the Congo, who brought so much love to our church the minute her feet stepped into our doors. A petite, dynamic, very well educated, humble woman armed with the love for Jesus that the song "Let Them see You in Me" by Colton Dixon could have been written just for her. She has tirelessly comforted and led all of us, even while her world was torn apart due to the death recently of several members of her family because of the health conditions in her village. There is much to share about this person.
I got to know a man who sat next to his wife all day, every day, at a nursing home I visit. She had a stroke and was unable to communicate, but there he was each day either sharing stories of their life together or just holding her hand, smiling and telling her how much he loved her and how lovely she looked – each day. It probably never occurred to that husband that the song mentioned above was about him.
Like so many youth groups, our kids serve food and bring clothing to the homeless regularly. Yep, that song applies here.
There are several women who have befriended and dedicated much of their time making certain that a woman battling breast cancer gets to and from her appointments, sitting with her during her chemo treatments, sitting with her as she struggles with how those treatments affect her, making certain she can volunteer her time for others, and much more – and have been doing this for the past several years.
That has meant significantly adjusting their personal schedules so her husband can go to his job. Believe me, there is so much more to this story! Who do you see in these ladies?
These stories are just a few that I have had the privilege to witness, be a part of and be inspired by. I just think it is important to have as many of these stories out there as possible – it brings us together – it reminds us to put some of our challenges in another perspective – it encourages us to reach out to others and embrace all that comes with that – it fortifies hope and I believe makes our Creator smile.
Can we really have too much good news? Don’t think so.
Sandy Hicks is a devoted grandmother, philanthropist and civic volunteer. She and her husband are God and family centered, enjoying retirement with their children, grandchildren and golf.