15+ Crucial US Government Actions on AI Since President Biden's Executive Order

President Biden's Executive Order on AI, issued three months ago, has been effectively implemented by The White House AI Council.  The efforts include enhancing AI safety, setting disclosure requirements, and regulating U.S. cloud companies supporting foreign AI training to address privacy concerns and ensure national security.
15+ Crucial US Government Actions on AI Since President Biden's Executive Order
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Three months ago, President Joe Biden issued an Executive Order to assert America's leadership in AI while addressing associated risks related to privacy and regulation. Deputy Chief of Staff Bruce Reed is now convening the White House AI Council, comprising officials from various federal departments. Agencies have successfully completed the EO's 90-day actions and advanced long-term directives.

The efforts include enhancing AI safety and security, like setting disclosure requirements for powerful AI systems, assessing risks to critical infrastructure, and impeding bad actors' harmful AI development. Developers will now be compelled to report important information, proposing rules for U.S. cloud companies providing computing power for foreign AI training, and completing risk assessments across critical infrastructure sectors.

When it comes to innovation, the order directed increased investment in AI research and workforce development. The National AI Research Resource pilot is promoting equitable access to AI resources. Other initiatives under this order include the AI talent hunt for federal hiring, EducateAI supporting AI education; and the funding of Regional Innovation Engines, such as the Piedmont Triad Regenerative Medicine Engine.

Additionally, an AI Task Force at the Department of Health and Human Services will provide regulatory clarity and foster AI innovation in healthcare, addressing issues like racial biases in healthcare algorithms.

Federal agencies have undertaken the following initiatives in response to the Executive Order: 

  1. The Technology Modernization Board evaluated strategies to prioritize agencies' adoption of AI, marking this action as complete.

  2. The Department of Transportation directed the Non-traditional and Emerging Transportation Technology Council to assess the transportation sector's AI needs.

  3. Agencies identified by the National Science Foundation reported federal resources for the National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) pilot.

  4. The Office of Science and Technology Policy and Office of Management and Budget identified priority areas for federal agency AI talent and hiring pathways.

  5. The White House Chief of Staff's Office convened the AI and Tech Talent Task Force. 

  6. Various agencies collaborated to launch an AI Talent Surge focusing on large-scale hiring actions for data scientists.

  7. The actions also consisted of publishing a Request for Information (RFI) on job classifications, forming an interagency council for AI coordination, and reviewing and granting flexible hiring authorities for AI professionals. 

  8. The Department of Commerce leveraged the Defense Production Act authorities to compel AI system developers to report critical information, proposed a draft rule for U.S. cloud companies involved in foreign AI training, and completed risk assessments for AI use in critical infrastructure sectors.

  9. The National Science Foundation launched a pilot for the NAIRR (National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource Pilot).

  10. The Department of State streamlined visa processing.

  11. The Department of Health and Human Services established an AI Task Force for healthcare policies.

  12. The Department of Justice convened federal agencies' civil rights offices to discuss AI and civil rights.

  13. The Department of Transportation directed key Federal Advisory Committees to advise on AI and transportation.

  14. The Office of Personnel Management launched a pooled hiring action for federal AI hiring, and the General Services Administration released a draft framework for prioritizing generative AI technologies. 

  15. The National Science Foundation announced the funding of Regional Innovation Engines with a focus on advancing AI.

  16. The Office of Management and Budget released an RFI (Request for Information) on effective privacy impact assessments for AI and established an office to coordinate AI and emerging technologies at the Department of Energy.

  17. The Small Business Administration defined AI as a focus for prize funds through the 2024 Growth Accelerator Fund Competition and confirmed the eligibility of AI-related expenditures for support in programs benefiting small businesses.

Source: www.whitehouse.gov

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