US Department of Transportation Launches AI Initiative to Empower Small Businesses

The objective of the “Complete Streets AI Initiative” is to create robust decision-support tools for state, local, and tribal transportation agencies.
US Department of Transportation Launches AI Initiative to Empower Small Businesses
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The US Department of Transportation (DoT) has announced a new initiative termed “Complete Streets AI Initiative” to help small businesses in the country harness the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in enhancing transportation.

Facilitated by the department’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program, the initiative’s objective is to create robust decision-support tools for state, local, and tribal transportation agencies.

These tools will aid in the strategic planning, design, and implementation of Complete Streets — streets and networks designed to prioritize safety, comfort, and accessibility for all users.

Initially, up to 10 Phase I contracts will be awarded to small businesses to develop data and analytics capabilities that drive insights for agencies developing complete streets, the department said.

“Innovation in the AI and transportation sector is happening at unprecedented speed and has the potential to address some of our most pressing transportation challenges. This funding supports our country’s small businesses and startups to harness cutting-edge technologies, deploy them in local communities, and make our streets safer,” U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said.

Last month, the recently formed Transforming Transportation Advisory Committee (TTAC) of the U.S. Department of Transformation concluded its first meeting.

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US Department of Transportation Launches AI Initiative to Empower Small Businesses

The participants discussed key topics such as autonomous driving, safety, and the application of emerging technologies like AI. Vinn White, Senior Advisor at the Office of the Secretary of Transportation said the committee, in its future meetings, will also extensively discuss AI safety and the impact of AI on the U.S. transportation system.

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