WATCH NOW | How CDOs Can Accelerate AI Adoption By Prioritizing Data Quality and Privacy

If your data is not prepared for generative AI, then your business is not prepared for reliable AI performance either. To ensure that data leaders can fulfill the potential of generative AI and achieve value from their data strategy investments, it's essential to have trusted data that meets high standards of quality and privacy and is delivered through automated data management. This is the key to accelerating the adoption of AI. 


  • Learn why data quality and privacy are critical to AI success.

  • Explore strategies for implementing automated data management.

  • Understand the role of data leaders in maximizing the potential of generative AI.


  • Sridher Arumugham, VP and CDAO, DigiKey

  • Wendi Eriksen, SVP and Chief Data Officer, The Wendy's Company


  • Donal Dunne, Product Solutions Marketing, Informatica

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