(US & Canada) | Assuring Data Security and Good Customer Experience Go Hand-in-hand — JPMorganChase VP CCB

Meera Dugar, VP, Consumer and Community Banking (CCB) at JPMorganChase (JPMC), speaks with Alexandra Sawyer, Director at Guidehouse, in a video interview about her professional journey, evolution from a leader’s perspective, the role of data security in enhancing customer experience, and how collaboration with CDOs fosters a data-driven culture.

JPMorgan Chase is a leading bank and investment company with a history spanning 200 years.

Dugar begins by discussing her professional trajectory, which spans various industries and verticals. She has worked with companies such as McDonald’s, OfficeMax, Office Depot, and Capgemini, gathering a wide range of experiences and exposure to varied technologies.

Additionally, Dugar states that her current role at JPMC demands high levels of technological awareness and expertise.

Speaking of evolution in light of technological innovations, she mentions looking at evolution with the right mindset. She maintains that leaders must be prepared to answer tough questions.

Further, leaders need to make smart decisions by analyzing the past landscape and how organizations are now ready to take on the AI space, says Dugar. It boils down to educating oneself and creating a culture of innovation and learning within the organization. She emphasizes the need to be cautious and strategic in decision-making and stay intuitive about what comes next.

When asked how analytics can improve the customer experience and drive growth, Dugar states that regardless of the industry, customers are always the priority. JPMC ensures providing customers with an experience that solidifies their loyalty, which gives them a reason to come back.

Expanding further, Dugar says that when customers know that their data is secure and will not be shared in any external environment, the experience gets better. Continuing, she mentions putting herself in customers’ shoes to understand the kind of experience a customer would want. Leaders want to give customers the right satisfaction while adhering to the rules and policies they advocate.

Commenting on how collaboration with CDOs and cross-industry peers facilitates a data-driven culture, Dugar recalls attending a CDO data conference. She shares that the summit had top talent as speakers, and everyone realized through conversations that the pain points were the same.

For instance, Dugar notes that everyone was looking to find solutions to security-based ideas, such as setting up multi-factor authentication, without disrupting the customer experience.

Unlike in the past, where customers would have been flooded with emails and constant notifications, customers today are prompted with relevant product recommendations, she affirms.

In conclusion, Dugar states that enterprises must uncover and target such customer experiences as enterprises.

CDO Magazine appreciates Meera Dugar for sharing her insights with our global community.

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