US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Names Scott Flanders as CIO

Scott Flanders, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission CIO
Scott Flanders, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission CIO
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(US and Canada) The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has named Scott Flanders, the current acting Chief Information Officer and former Deputy CIO, as the agency’s permanent CIO effective June 2.

“Scott has risen through the ranks at the NRC over many years and has been an outstanding member of the Senior Executive Service since 2004,” said Acting Executive Director for Operations Raymond Furstenau. “His experience with the government’s use of information technology and his deep understanding of the NRC mission will help the agency navigate the challenges of the future.”

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Scott Flanders, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission CIO

The agency’s Office of the Chief Information Officer manages and employs information technology to enhance information access and strengthen agency performance. Its responsibilities include cyber and information security, IT support functions, data management, enterprise governance, and artificial intelligence.

As the Deputy CIO, Flanders planned, directed, and oversaw resources to ensure the delivery of information technology and information management services critical to supporting the NRC’s mission, goals, and priorities. He joined the NRC in 1991 and throughout his career has led a diverse portfolio of technical organizations supporting the agency’s regulatory programs for nuclear reactors and nuclear materials. Prior to joining the Office of the Chief Information Officer, Flanders headed the Division of Site Safety and Environmental Analysis in the then Office of New Reactors.

Flanders received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Maryland and has completed postgraduate studies at American University in Business Administration and Public Policy.

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