(US & Canada) | A Leadership Role Is Not a Title but a Privilege — Sensata Technologies Sr. Director of GSO, Data and IT Shared Services

Yogesh Bhardwaj, Senior Director of GSO, Data and IT Shared Services at Sensata Technologies, speaks with leadership coach and keynote speaker Cory Carlson, in a video interview about identifying the bigger purpose in life, how data shaped his purpose, and how leadership is not a one-person activity.

Sensata Technologies is a global leader in sensing, electrical protection, and power management. It offers end-to-end solutions for electrification, industrial, aftermarket, and air mobility applications.

As the discussion begins, Bhardwaj states that taking initiative is one of the key aspects of leadership. He considers curiosity as the most important thing in one’s life.

Adding on, Bhardwaj advocates that humans should identify the bigger purpose in life and not just chase fancy titles. Reflecting on his early career phase, he admits to working for money and titles, while working as a technologist.

About a decade ago, Bhardwaj realized that he wanted to do things in a certain space, where he could be recognized for helping people and taking the journey forward. Then, he transitioned into the data field, as he recognized data as a tool that provides a different aspect to addressing a problem.

Understanding the impact data makes in society and the community, helped Bhardwaj comprehend his purpose in life. Through data, he could help his organization and community at large to solve problems differently and that transitioned him from a title-driven to a purpose-driven life.

Next, Bhardwaj highlights the role played by his mentors in helping him address problems differently. In the journey to align purpose with choices, many get lost as they look for quick wins, which mostly distract one from the main goal, he adds.

Moving forward, Bhardwaj stresses the need to become self-aware, assess strengths and weaknesses, and then plan to achieve the goal. He takes the instance of climbing the Mount Everest and states that it does not happen in a day.

It requires planning, tools, finances, and physical and mental strength, which Bhardwaj refers to as milestones. Analogizing this with a career pathway, he states that the goal must be based on such milestones.

Further, if a quick-win situation comes along, one should rethink if that win will lead to the final purpose or not, says Bhardwaj. He advises people to steer away from the noise and focus on the long-term goal.

When it comes to growth, Bhardwaj swears by the proverb, “If you want to go alone, go fast, and if you want to go far, go with others.” Especially, in a leadership role, he notes that leaders must ensure they are not standing on dead bodies.

Elaborating further, Bhardwaj says that the leadership role is not the title, it is a privilege. As a leader, one has to look out for team members and peers and take them along on the journey.

In conclusion, he reiterates the Everest analogy, stating that leadership, like climbing the Mount Everest, is not a one-person activity.

CDO Magazine appreciates Yogesh Bhardwaj for sharing his leadership insights with our global community.

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