House Committee Introduces 5 “Guardrails” for AI Use

House Committee Introduces 5 “Guardrails” for AI Use
Source: United States Committee on House Administration
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The U.S. Committee on House Administration has outlined five guiding principles for the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) tools within the chamber, offering comprehensive direction as lawmakers and staff navigate this technological terrain.

Released in a "flash report," the Committee provided an update on its ongoing exploration of AI within the legislative branch, alongside outlining these guardrails.

The AI guardrails for the House of Representatives include:

  1. Human oversight and decision-making: Even as AI technologies are utilized for efficiency, human oversight remains crucial. Decisions, particularly those with significant impact, must ultimately rest with human experts who can interpret AI outputs within the broader context and with an understanding of potential limitations and biases.

  2. Clear and comprehensive policies: To ensure safe and appropriate use of AI, the development of clear and comprehensive policies is essential, as is the maintenance of accurate AI inventories. Any AI policy should address privacy, data security, and ethical considerations, ensuring that AI tools are known and used in ways that preserve public trust and safeguard sensitive information.

  3. Robust testing and evaluation: Before AI technologies are deployed, they should undergo thorough testing and evaluation to assess their reliability, validity, and potential biases. Continuous monitoring and regular reassessment are crucial to adapt to technological advancements and emerging risks. The continuous monitoring and evaluation of data that is entered into or taken out of the AI system is critical.

  4. Transparency and disclosure: Transparency about the use and capabilities of AI technologies is key to maintaining trust. This includes clear communication about how AI is being used, the data it processes, and the measures in place to protect privacy and security. There should be considerations for disclosing when AI has contributed to legislative drafting or other significant tasks.

  5. Education and upskilling: To effectively implement AI technologies, ongoing education and upskilling of Members and staff are essential. This includes training on the capabilities and limitations of AI, as well as on the ethical considerations and policy frameworks that guide its use. Building digital literacy and resilience among everyone in the House community will help mitigate risks and foster responsible use of AI.  

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